Archive Stories

Reddit Archive: Justice demands flesh

This is one of my oldest stories, it comes from a writing prompt about three years ago: link. If you want to skip straight to the story just go past the next separator. I hadn’t reread this story in a long time, and I was excited to go back over it for this post. There’s so many technical problems I believe that this has to it, especially in the beginning. Yet, in all honesty, it…

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Archive Stories

Reddit Archive: The Book of Nuclear Magics

If you want to go straight to the story, skip past the separator. This story was posted over two years ago. You can find the original here. It was “originally originally” a reply to a writing prompt which can be found here. I have decided not to correct any of the typos since this is more of a reflection post than anything else (Except the last line, I couldn’t help it), but let me know…

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